An image of OUWB students posing for a photo


Frequently Asked Questions 

Application Process/ 需求


COVID-19已经影响了整个美国的社区. 我们意识到这可能会给未来的学生申请医学院带来困难. Please see the answers to some frequently asked questions below. 


The 招生 Committee prefers and recommends that all prerequisites be completed for a letter or numeric grade; however, will accept Pass/Fail grades on a case by case basis. 课程应在地区认可的学院或大学完成.

Will OUWB accept online courses?

如果在线课程是在地区认可的大学完成的,则接受在线课程, preferably at a four-year institution.   

My activities (services-related, 研究, shadowing, etc.) have been affected due to COVID-19, 招生委员会在评估我的申请时将如何看待这一点?

We will continue to evaluate your application holistically, 记住,许多经历都受到了COVID-19的影响. Virtual experiences will be considered. 期望申请者能够以一种有意义的方式谈论他们的经历. 委员会将继续看好那些表现出长期致力于为社区服务的申请人, experiences that take one outside of their comfort zone, and shows their commitment to the medical profession.  


我们使用AMCAS(美国医学院申请服务)进行初始申请流程. All applicants must register and apply at www.对象为.org/students/applying/amcas. 了解更多有关 OUWB application process.

When is the deadline for applying?

提交AMCAS申请的截止日期为11月15日. 提交补充申请的截止日期是12月15日. 访问我们的 招生时间 在网站上 for more information about important dates.

  • 有意义的医疗活动(包括义工、见习等)
  • Service to others and to the community
  • Teamwork and leadership skills
  • Demonstrated ability to perform well in an academic setting
  • Excellence in an activity or area of interest (sports, 研究, or other endeavor) at a local, 区域, 或者国家级
  • 求知欲和终身学习承诺的证明

For more information, visit OUWB招生 需求.


MCAT成绩应在申请前三年内取得. 每个入学周期接受的最后一次考试管理是9月. 例如, for the 2025 admissions cycle (applying in 2024), the oldest acceptable MCAT is September 2021. We require a minimum score of 495. 

Is preference given to in-state versus out-of-state students?

As a privately funded medical school, admissions are open to all students, 包括有学历的州外学生,以及与使命相一致的经历和特点, vision and values of our program. 不过, OUWB坚定地致力于改善密歇根东南部社区的健康状况. 因此, 我们希望招聘, 招收, 并培养对我们社区表现出类似兴趣的学生.

Does it matter when I apply?

OUWB将于7月开学之初开始评估申请. 虽然这并不影响你被审查和接受面试的机会, it is recommended to turn in applications earlier in the season. OUWB does have a deadline of November 15th to submit primary applications for consideration.

What happens after I submit my primary application?

Once we receive your AMCAS verified application, 我们将审核您的申请,以确保您符合我们的最低要求,以便收到补充申请. 如果符合条件,我们将通过电子邮件邀请您填写我们的补充申请.


您可以随时通过AMCAS网站更新您的联系信息. 请确保所有的联系信息是最新的重要通信. 一旦提交给AMCAS,我们将在招生系统中更新信息.


You will receive email notification once your file is complete. 我们为可能需要几个月的全面审查过程感到自豪, 但一旦做出决定,我们将通过电子邮件与您联系.


申请提交给AMCAS后,主申请的更新将不被接受. 您可以随时使用OUWB向辅助应用程序添加更新. 登录您的OUWB电子申请系统,点击左侧菜单中的“上传文件”选项. You can upload a Word or PDF document that details your updates.

How can I access the secondary application?


对象为 PREview Professional Readiness Exam

What is the 对象为 PREview Professional Readiness Exam?

对象为预览考试 是一种标准化考试,提出一系列学生在医学院可能遇到的假设情景,并要求考生评估对每个情景的一系列行为反应的有效性.


No. 我们是 高度推荐 that all applicants complete the 对象为 PREview Professional Readiness Exam; it is not required. 结果将在招生委员会层面进行全面审查. 


预习考试考察考生对有效行为和无效行为的认知 九大核心竞争力. 这些能力与OUWB认为必不可少的品质和能力相一致,并为我们提供了您作为申请人的更完整的画面. 我们相信,这不仅将加强我们的全面审查进程, 同时也给申请者展示个人和职业特点的机会. 

Letters of Recommendation


申请人应提交至少三封推荐信(最多五封)。. 如果你的医疗前咨询办公室提供了一封委员会信,汇集了来自多个来源的反馈, 这封信将作为三封推荐信中的两封. All submitted letters must be signed, preferably on letterhead, 并通过AMCAS评估/推荐服务提交.

我们收到很多关于谁应该写推荐信的问题.  我们强烈建议您选择了解您并能说明您进入医学领域的资格的作者.  最好包括至少一位在你的学习过程中认识你的教员.  Letters from family members and/or friends are discouraged.




我们目前不提供与潜在学生的个人预约. 然而,我们全年都提供准学生网络研讨会和预习日. We encourage you to bookmark the OUWB招生 网站和经常访问. Webinar and Preview Day opportunities will be posted under 招生活动 as dates become available. 




Class size is 125 students.

How soon after my interview will I receive an initial decision?

招生委员会在整个招生周期内定期开会. 招生委员会的决定是在滚动的基础上做出的,从10月中旬开始,直到班级满员.

Do you have a revisit weekend?

是的! 我们确实为所有被OUWB录取的申请人举办了“再看”活动. Invitations will be sent to admitted students in early Spring.

When do I have to decide which school I will attend?



国际 & 转移应用程序

Do you accept transfer students?
如果有职位空缺,OUWB医学院只接受潜在的三年级转学生的申请. There are no current openings for transfer students. 进一步了解我们的 Transfer 录取过程.
I am an international student. 我可以申请吗??

只有你.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible for admission.  Applicants who did not attend U.S. or Canadian schools should complete at least one year, 最好是两个, at a 区域ly accredited college or university in the U.美国或加拿大. 认证机构必须对以前的所有学分进行验证.


What prerequisite courses are required?

所有的先决条件课程应在地区认可的学院或大学完成.  通过社区大学课程来满足先决条件要求的申请人被鼓励通过在美国地区认可的四年制大学学习这些领域的更高级别课程来展示能力.  具有外国教育证书的申请人应在美国地区认可的四年制大学完成先决条件要求.S.


申请人应至少修满24个大学学分,并具备科学和数学学科的广度和深度.  Of those 24 credit hours, coursework must include:

  • 1 course in Biochemistry

  • 1 course in Statistics (Math or Social Science based)

  • 1 lab in either Biology, Chemistry, or Physics


  • 1 course in Social or Behavioral Sciences.

*已收到面试邀请或录取通知书的学生,并希望申请替代课程作为先决条件, 我们要求您提交大学课程目录中的课程描述以及相应的教学大纲,以供审阅 (电子邮件保护).



因为许多必修课程都有实验要求, online courses will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


是的,OUWB医学院将接受在社区大学修过的先决课程. 然而, 鼓励学生在四年制大学学习额外的高级科学课程,为MCAT和医学院的课程做准备.

Can I use AP credits as my prerequisites?



是的, 我们将接受符合我们最低要求的申请,以获得二次申请. 所有的先决条件都需要在入学前完成. 我们建议不要有超过一到两门优秀的先决条件课程.



Tuition for the 2024-2025 year is $60,277. Tuition remains the same for in-state and out-of-state students. Please note that are no additional fees for health insurance, 技术, 停车, or access to the Oakland University recreational center.

Is there a difference in tuition for out-of-state students?

十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院是一所私人资助的医学院. We charge the same tuition rate regardless of state of residence. 

How do I know if I’m eligible for a scholarship?

所有被OUWB录取的申请人都有资格获得优秀奖学金. 为了获得基于需求的奖学金,你必须提交FAFSA和你父母的数据. 奖学金将在录取后的整个申请周期内颁发.

When do I need to apply for Financial 援助?

财政援助代表将很乐意帮助您解决有关申请财政援助的任何问题. 第一步将是在12月开始完成FAFSA. You can contact 金融服务 via email at (电子邮件保护) or by phone at (248) 370-3611.