







12月. 2, 2022


医学院要求每一位攻读医学博士学位的学生都有责任在课程的各个方面达到学校对出勤率的期望. 当学校授予硕士学位时.D. 学位, 教师不仅要证明学生在考试中的表现达到了一定的能力水平, 但是学生已经表现出对专业责任的承诺,并且也参与了课程所定义的整个教育经历. 出席和参与是我们互动课程的必要组成部分,因此被认为是专业责任. 学生 are obligated to complete all assigned course work and to attend class on a punctual and regular basis. Absences, whether excused or unexcused, do not absolve the student of these responsibilities. 学生被期望通过成为团队方法中不可或缺的一部分,为协作学习过程做出贡献, sharing expertise and problem solving. 出席 and participation are expected in all educational activities, and are required for all assessment activities, 实验室会议, 与病人会面, small group and team-based learning sessions, as well as other sessions as specified by the course and 书记的职位 directors.


All 学生 enrolled in the School of Medicine


在所有类型的教学课程中,学生的参与是学术过程的重要组成部分,因此在评估和评分学生表现时也要考虑到这一点. 每门课程, 书记的职位 and elective syllabus will document how attendance may be used and how final grades are calculated. As with all professionalism issues, attendance issues and/or excessive tardiness may be reflected in the 医疗 School Performance Evaluation (MSPE). The 导演s have final authority on decisions regarding attendance and absences. In the event of a crisis or a confidential matter that requires immediate attention, 主管学生事务的副院长可与主管本科临床教育的副院长协调,在不向院长披露机密事项的情况下批准缺席.



Please see the School of Medicine Standard Practices and 的指导方针 on 宗教仪式.



  • 学生 must attend all mandatory scheduled activities.
  • 课程协调员是报告意外缺勤和请求预期缺勤的联系点.
  • The course director has the responsibility for excusing absences.
  • Unanticipated Absences must be reported by email as soon as feasible, to the appropriate course leadership including a phone number or email where the student can be contacted. 核实收到学生的信息以及批准或拒绝学生的请假请求将由课程领导尽快通知学生. 学生 may be required to provide written proof of the reason for unanticipated absences (doctor’s note, 拖曳收据, 等.).
  • It is the responsibility of the student to arrange for the completion of any missed academic assignments.
  • Any absence that has not been excused will be classified as an unexcused absence.
  • 学生 will not receive credit for activities that were missed during an unexcused absence.

出席 at Instructional Sessions

  • Excused absences are counted as absences for any attendance requirements.

出席 during M3-M4 Clinical Training

  • 学生 must attend all scheduled activities during M3-M4 书记的职位s, 课程, sub-internships, 和选修课. Any scheduled absence must be approved by the Clerkship/Course 导演. 
  • An unexcused absence during M3-M4 书记的职位s, 课程, sub-internships, 和选修课, 是否会对学生的书面记录和临床表现评估产生不利影响,并可能对学生的见习成绩产生不利影响. Both anticipated and unanticipated absences must be officially documented to avoid an unexcused absence. 如果有任何错过的活动需要补课,书记员/课程主任将决定流程和时间表. 未能按时完成作业可能会导致提交专业反馈表(PFF),并可能在MSPE中反映出来. 学生 are expected to make up absences as soon as possible and no later than the end of the academic year.
  • Until the time missed is made up, the student’s 书记的职位/course grade will be recorded as an Incomplete.
  • 在实习/课程期间,所有M3-M4学年预计缺勤的请求不得超过3天,并且必须在实习/课程开始日期前至少三十(30)天通过电子邮件提交给相应的协调员和主任. If a student is absent for more than 3 days during the 书记的职位 / course, they will be expected to make up the days missed. 主任或指定人员将在学生提出请求后一周内核实学生信息的收到情况,并批准或拒绝学生的请假请求.
  • 超过3天的假期必须事先获得选修主任的许可,并得到本科临床教育副院长的批准. If a student takes more than three days off an elective, they will be expected to make up the days missed.
  • 如果学生在威廉博蒙特大学医院的M3-M4见习/课程期间因病缺席临床培训超过两(2)天, 医学院要求学生通知格雷厄姆健康和学生事务办公室正式记录和跟踪学生的状态,然后才被允许返回他们的职员/课程.
  • 在被允许返回临床培训之前,需要向主任发出一份声明,并向负责本科临床教育的副院长提交一份副本.
  • 在为期四周的选修课程中,学生可以有三天的时间参加实习医生面试或参加step2cs或step2ck考试. 通过住院医师计划的确认邮件发送的面试证明和通过NBME的电子邮件发送的STEP考试证明必须提交给选修主任和本科临床教育副院长. 
  • 学生 will be discouraged from taking time off during all 2-week M3-M4 electives/书记的职位s. 如果学生需要休假, 他们必须事先获得选修/见习主任和本科临床教育副院长的书面许可才能制定计划.
  • 学生 are discouraged from taking time off during the 1-week M3 Ophthalmology 书记的职位. 然而,学生在实习期间最多可缺勤半天而无需补课. 学生 are required to remediate any additional time off, 缺少OR赋值, 说教的会话, 或测验,由实习/选修主任决定,并经本科临床教育副院长批准.
  • If a student misses more than 25% of the M3-M4 书记的职位/course, the student will be required to repeat the entire course.
  • Missed Assignments: During the M3-M4 years of training, students are required to make up required assignments/activities missed during 书记的职位s/课程, a grade of incomplete will be designated until all assignments have been completed and submitted.

出席 at Assessment Sessions

  • Any unexcused absence from an examination will result in a failure of the examination.
  • For anticipated absences from examinations, the student must petition the course leadership at least three weeks prior to the examination.


预期的缺席: Absences that are planned in advance.


出席人数: 学生必须准时到达, stay as long as required to complete the activity, and be fully engaged in the activity, to be considered as in attendance.

协调员: 工作人员 members who manage the operations of a course, 书记的职位, 或者选修课.

课程领导: The 导演s and 协调员 are the leadership of 课程, 书记的职位s, 和选修课. 


导演: A faculty member that oversees the content of a course, 书记的职位, 或者选修课, and provides students with formative and summative feedback, 评估, 和成绩.

缓考: 旷课是指得到课程领导批准的旷课,或者是由于生病、受伤或突发事件导致的旷课. Excused absences are granted at the discretion of the course leadership.

发布: 由学生的初级保健提供者出具的书面声明,说明该学生因病/受伤而缺席,并且适合恢复学习. The primary care provider cannot be a relative and must have examined the student in person.


无故缺席: Any absences that are not formally excused by the course leadership.


缺勤申请表(M3 & M4学生)



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