










To provide students with a mechanism to challenge final grades in an educational experience.




The method of evaluation in an OUWB School of Medicine course or 书记的职位 should be transparent to the student, 在课程或实习开始时讨论, 也包括在教学大纲中. 课程或见习主任计算成绩. 学生有权对成绩提出上诉. 上诉必须与课程的最终成绩有关, 书记的职位, or elective based on concerns about accuracy of the assessment, bias or that the grade was calculated in a manner that is inconsistent with the process described in the course syllabus. Concerns about grades are best resolved through informal discussions between the student and the course or 书记的职位 director. 学生 should initiate these discussions within 10 business days of the grade being posted. In those instances when a student is not satisfied with the outcomes of an informal discussion a formal appeal process is available.



Within thirty (30) business days after the date which the grade was posted, the student shall obtain from the OUWB Office of 医疗 教育 website the requisite “Grade Appeal” form. 学生应以书面形式提出申诉, including why the student believes the grade does not reflect the student’s performance based on the criterion in paragraph one of this document, 以及任何支持文件. This must be submitted to the School of Medicine Director of 记录及注册 who will forward a copy to the Course or Clerkship Director and the Associate Dean for Preclinical 教育 (M1-M2 grades) or the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical 教育 (M3-M4) or their designee. 

Step 2: Course or Clerkship Director Response to the Grade Appeal

Within ten (10) business days from the date of receipt of the student's written “Grade Appeal” form, the course or 书记的职位 director shall respond to the student in writing, using the “Director’s Comments Regarding Grade Appeal” form. The completed “Director’s Comments Regarding Grade Appeal” form is sent directly to the student and a copy is sent to the appropriate Associate Dean or designee. The form completed by the course or 书记的职位 director should explain the grading procedures and how the grade in question was determined as well as other issues raised in the student's statement. If the course or 书记的职位 director agrees the grade should be changed, the director must complete a “Grade Change” form to be filed with the OUWB School of Medicine Director of 记录及注册. If the course or 书记的职位 director does not agree the grade should be changed, the student has the right to appeal the decision to the Associate Dean for Preclinical 医疗 教育 (M1-M2 grades) or the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical 教育 (M3-M4) grades.


An appeal of the course or 书记的职位 director's decision must be made in writing to the Associate Dean or designee within ten (10) business days after receiving that decision using the “向副院长提出成绩申诉” form. 副院长或指定人员将任命一名 特别的 review 委员会 consisting of three OUWB faculty members to consider the appeal. 教师 representatives must include one from the department/program of the course or 书记的职位 concerned. 

在审查过程中 特别的 委员会 will seek to ensure that grades have been assigned and submitted using appropriate processes. The 委员会 shall consider all aspects of the appeal before making its recommendation. The 委员会 shall make a written report with recommendations to the Associate Dean for 医疗 教育 or designee within twenty (20) business days of the receipt of the “向副院长提出成绩申诉 for 医疗 教育” form. 

The Associate Dean will render a decision in writing to the student within ten (10) business days of receiving the recommendation of the 特别的 委员会. Both the student and the course or 书记的职位 director will be informed in writing of the final decision. 如果副院长同意,则应更改成绩, the course or 书记的职位 director or the course or 书记的职位 director’s department head, must complete a “Grade Change” form to be filed with the OUWB School of Medicine Director of 记录及注册. If the grade change appeal is denied, no further action will be taken. The decision of the Associate Dean is final, and no further action can be taken.

注意: The student is responsible for knowing the timetable for the grade appeal process and for making a good faith effort to complete steps within the time stated. 

注意: 学生 must submit the appeal via the appropriate web form. 表单可以返回:


The final decision as to whether deadlines have been met is the responsibility of the Associate Dean. 副院长有权延长截止日期, but only in extraordinary circumstances shall the appeal extend beyond the first regular semester after which the grade was awarded.





