‘Rush of excitement:’ OUWB Class of 2023 celebrates 100% success rate on Match Day
An image of a student during OUWB Match Day 2023
Stephanie Mrowczynski在杜兰大学医学院庆祝她找到另一半的那一刻.


公开商学院的毕业生是全美近4.3万名毕业生中的一员.S. in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), 这个年度活动揭示了大多数即将毕业的医学院学生接受住院医师培训的地方.



Click here to see a highlight video from the day,

该课程的110名学生中,许多人都聚集在十大菠菜台子的奥克兰中心. That’s where they learned they had placed across the country, 比如布朗大学, 克利夫兰诊所, 约翰霍普金斯大学, 加州大学欧文分校, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 和马萨诸塞大学T.H. 陈氏医学院.

“我赞扬你们所有人的辛勤工作, 奉献, 以及让你走到今天的决心,Duane Mezwa说, M.D.牛津大学商学院院长斯蒂芬·夏普·迪恩(Stephan Sharf Dean)告诉听众.

“Think about how far you have come — and be proud,他说. “Pat yourself on the back for following your dreams. You’re entering the most exciting time of your lives.”


“这太令人兴奋了,斯凯勒·波卡罗说, M4, 在斯波坎市普罗维登斯圣心医疗中心进行物理医学和康复治疗的人, 华盛顿.



An image of students celebrating OUWB Match Day 23
Brittany Silverman(左)和Kaitlin Pataroque在打开信封后庆祝.

The match process begins in the fall during the final year of medical school, when fourth-year medical students apply to residency programs. Residency programs interview applicants throughout fall and early winter.

从一月中旬到二月下旬, 申请人和项目主管分别按照各自的喜好进行排名,并将偏好列表提交给NRMP, 哪家公司用计算机化的数学算法来处理这些申请,将申请人与项目相匹配.

OUWB的学生在26个州进行了配对. (14名学生在成为居民的最终目的地之前有过渡性的几年. Only their final destinations were counted in statistics.)

Forty-nine students – or 45% of those who matched Friday – will stay in Michigan.


“这是我们创办这所学校时的主要目标之一——培养一种特殊的医生, 希望他们能留在密歇根,他说.

“I’m pleased to see that nearly half the class is staying in the state.”

19名学生将参加迪尔伯恩Corewell健康医院的住院实习, 皇家橡树, Taylor, 和格罗斯波因特的12种特色菜.

本·施瓦茨,硕士.D., 总统, Corewell健康 East, attended the event in what Mezwa called a “very momentous” occasion.

Schwartz called Match Day “such an amazing day of accomplishments.”

“When you open the envelope and learn where you’re going to train, 那个地方很需要你,他说. “这几乎就像一场婚姻. 他们对你的承诺是合作关系, 他们愿意对你做出承诺的原因是因为你在培训方面的专业知识.”

密歇根州以外, 加州以12人位居第二, 其次是俄亥俄州的8个州, 四个在纽约, 佛罗里达州和伊利诺伊州各有3个.

Overall, 46名学生在初级保健部门实习, 包括内科的17个, 8 .家庭医学, 7个在妇产科, 6在手术中, 6 .儿科, 还有两个是内科儿科.


Twelve of the students who matched are Oakland University alumni. 


An image of students celebrating OUWB Match Day 23
Charlene Hsia (left) and Jody Esguerra react to learning where they matched.



After telling the students that she “can’t wait to celebrate with all of you,” she led a countdown to the moment when they opened their envelopes.

Katie Hole (Wheeler), who matched at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. 佛罗里达州的彼得堡将这一时刻描述为“兴奋、难以置信和兴高采烈”的混合体.”

“I was more nervous than on my wedding day,”她说。. “My hands were so clammy…but I was excited and really just a relief to almost be done.”

霍尔说,她很感激生命中帮助她在医学院取得成功的每一个人, including her husband and “all of the lifelong friends” she made at OUWB.

凯特琳·帕特洛克来自布朗大学/罗德岛医院,她说自己“没想到会感到这么开心”.“额外的好处是, 她说, was that the OUWB Class of 2023 could celebrate together, 面对面, after so much of their time as medical students was during the pandemic.

“It’s really amazing to be able to all be back together here, 一起打开我们的信封,”她说。. “这真的很特别.”

Richard Ramirez matched in psychiatry at University of Michigan Hospitals-Ann Arbor.



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Parents who attended the event also were excited.

汤姆·芬尼, 他的儿子米切尔·芬尼在洛约拉大学医学中心做整形手术, 他说他感到“兴高采烈”.”

“米切尔工作很努力, 他得到了公开网络社区的大力支持,尤其是他在这里的好朋友,汤姆说. “这真的是一次美妙的经历.”

给玛丽·诺伦, 她在亚利桑那大学医学院凤凰城妇产科的比赛很重要,因为这让她回家了.

“那是我的家,”诺伦说. “So, I’m so excited to go home and treat the community that raised me.”

埃丽卡·伯克特在威廉·博蒙特大学科瑞威尔健康医院的妇产科看到她的另一半时的第一反应, 皇家橡树, 是放声大哭.

“我和我的未婚夫配对,”她说. “He goes to Central (Michigan University College of Medicine), 他在另一所学校, so we’re just very relieved to stay together and I don’t have to move.”

“我们最终会在哪里结束,我们是否会在一起,这充满了不确定性,她补充道。. “所以我们非常兴奋.”

妮可·刘易斯, 她在辛辛那提大学医学中心(University of Cincinnati Medical Center)获得了急诊医学专业的学位,“她所有的梦想都实现了。.” It served to keep her and her partner together.

“This is what I’ve been hoping for for a year and been working towards, 感觉很神奇,”她说。. “It just felt really surreal…my partner is there. He graduated from OUWB last year and he matched at Cincinnati in anesthesiology, so it’s sort of like a delayed couples matching for us.”



Michael Balce and Kelsa “Krickett” Kazyak met each other at OUWB on second look day, and through a couple’s match at Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital, 皇家橡树 in anesthesiology and obstetrics-gynecology respectively, 会留在原来的地方吗.

卡兹亚克说:“我们在博蒙特比赛,这是我们的第一名,所以我们非常高兴。. “We had a feeling it was going to work out, we’ve gotten really good feedback. 我们有很棒的导师. 但当我打开那封信的时候,虽然我并不感到惊讶,但我只是感到敬畏.”

Kazyak的母亲, 冬青Kazyak, 她说她为她的女儿和她在医学院遇到的人感到骄傲.

“It’s been a really long journey, and I cannot tell you how proud I am of Krickett. She has just been the most amazing, dedicated student,”她说。. “我已经了解了她通过OUWB认识的朋友圈,这是一个最神奇的智慧群体, fine, wonderful kids…they’re all going to be such great doctors.”

“在COVID, 分开住, 远离校园, 要处理这一切真的很, (对他们来说)真的很难,冬青Kazyak补充道. “我认为,由于OUWB是如此亲力亲为,我认为这对我们的孩子来说更加困难. But I think they appreciated the hands-on more when they got back.”

梅根·布里布里匹配家庭医学和密歇根大学安娜堡医院, 她的第一选择,也是她父亲的第一选择.

“It’s a big relief, but also very exciting,”她说。. “我将留在密歇根. 我全家都在这里, so I’m happy to be around them…my dad’s made me a Michigan fan since I was a child.”

“I almost broke down crying,汤姆说 Bricely, Megan’s father. "We didn't want to see her leave the state, but U of M, that was my number one.”

“我告诉她,密歇根大学并非不可能, because I know she’s worked hard through undergrad and then four years of med school, 她很聪明,他补充道. “我就知道她能做到.”

“It’s been a phenomenal, wonderful journey,” said Debbie Bricely, Megan’s mother. “Very proud, and I’m happy that the university has done so well.”

The excitement continued for the Bricelys and future Bricelys alike — Bailey Huhta, 梅根·布里布里的未婚夫, 比赛日在场吗. The excitement of the reveal was heightened by the anticipation of their June wedding.

“I’m very excited, very proud of her,” Huhta said. “这都是她应得的.”


As the students are about to start their residencies, she urged them to keep OUWB values in mind — to be compassionate; seek partnerships, collaboration and teamwork; be innovators; and to conduct themselves honestly.

“医学可能是你选择的职业, 但医生真正关注的是对生命的研究,以及他和她在治疗和治愈人们方面所扮演的角色,”她说。. “我们为你们所有人感到骄傲,我们知道你们无论走到哪里,都将秉承欧博的价值观和传统.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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