An image of students at the OUWB 2024 Commencement

上周五,十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院(Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine)第十届毕业典礼上,该校2024届毕业生的韧性和同情心的重要性成为了焦点.



“It’s very surreal,” said Ashley Williams, 在东北乔治亚医学中心和哥伦比亚大学欧文医学中心进行放射诊断的人.

“我记得当我10岁的时候,我会在日记里写‘阿什利·威廉姆斯,M.D.’ Thinking about it got me choked up this morning.”

阿森松马科姆医院的内科医生艾哈迈德·侯赛因(Ahmed Hussain)也表达了类似的感受.

“四年的努力换来了这一刻,开启了我们人生的新篇章……这是一件令人兴奋的事情。,” Hussain said. “It’s surreal.”

Dauen Jeong, 在密歇根大学做整形外科的人, 反思了尽管面临COVID带来的早期挑战,班级如何能够团结一致.

“通过积极主动,我找到了自己的社区意识。. “Now, I’m going to have these friends for my whole life.”

An image from the 2024 OUWB commencement毕业生的朋友和家人普遍对这些新晋医生感到自豪和兴奋.

黛博拉·凯斯勒的儿子亚历克斯·凯斯勒也是毕业生之一. 凯斯勒与明尼苏达大学医学院匹配成为内科住院医师.

“It’s overwhelmingly exciting,” Kessler said. “He made it look easy from my side (of things). 他最终付出了所有的努力才走到这一刻.”

Graduates like Oyinkansola Akinpelu, who matched at University of Texas at Austin, 在反思OUWB的经历时已经在展望未来了吗.

她说:“医学是一个需要大量辛勤工作和大量奉献的领域。. “We've already shown dedication for four years, so we're just going to keep carrying that out to residency.”

Resilience, compassion, and other advice

几位发言人向毕业生、朋友和家人发表了讲话, with common themes emerging, especially compassion and resiliency.

“As we stand on the cusp of our professional careers, 请记住,我们在这里培养的韧性不仅仅是忍受困难,而是在挑战中茁壮成长, 这让我们有了应对住院医师压力和挑战的工具,” said Yousif Esho, class speaker.

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Linda Gillum, Ph.D.负责学术和教务的创始副院长是主旨发言人. She, too, commended the class for its resilience.

吉勒姆还谈到了对外开放大学的历史,以及这所学校的“北极星”,” or guiding light, centered on kindness, 勇气, and compassion.

“From day one, 我们设想培养出一种不同的医生——从这个愿景出发,我们做出了承诺,” said Gillum, who retired in 2019. “这个承诺塑造了我们想要成为的人,以及今天的我们.”

“我们在2008年建立的文化将永远影响OUWB医生的行医方式和每一位病人的生活, our amazing OUWB physicians,” she added.

Christopher Carpenter, M.D.斯蒂芬·夏普(Stephan Sharf)临时院长也强调了同情心的重要性.

“(同情心)是我们作为医生最重要的品质之一,”他说. “On this day that we call you doctors for the first time, 我鼓励你们永远怀着慈悲心修行——你们的家人灌输给你们的慈悲心,我们在过去的四年里有幸培养了这种慈悲心.”

Other speakers offered advice.

An image from the 2024 OUWB CommencementThat included alumni speaker Matthew Drogowski, M.D., OUWB ‘19.

“When dealing with future patients, think back to the lessons you learned at OUWB, remember that the good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease,” he added. “永远记住,每一个医疗决定的核心都是人, a person with fears, 希望, dreams and loved ones who entrust you with their care.”

Daniel Skovronsky, M.D., Ph.D., chief scientific officer, Eli Lilly and Co.获颁授荣誉学位,并在典礼上致辞.


“我对你的愿望是,你应该利用好你的大好时机, to do your part to improve health, not just for the individual patients for whom you will care, but for all of humanity,他说.

他敦促毕业生了解最新的医学进展, 并考虑鼓励患者参与研究.

“And perhaps most importantly, 我要求你们跟随自己的内心,成为你们的病人的倡导者,帮助他们接触到现有的尖端科学,他说.

Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D., president, Oakland University, also spoke. 她回忆起自己从医学院毕业的那一天,以及后来作为一名年轻医生学到的人生经验.

Among the lessons she mentioned were: approach each day with passion and purpose; never underestimate yourself but never overestimate yourself either; seek mentors; and be curious, respectful and humble.

“在所有这些格言中,也许最重要的是这一条:相信自己,”她说. “And believe in the practice of medicine.”

Berkley Browne, Ph.D., associate dean, Student Affairs, also offered advice.

“为你在这里取得的一切成就感到自豪,并在你走向世界的时候带着它,”她说。. “Remember all you’ve learned, stay 勇气ous during the ups and downs of residency life, 带着深思熟虑和同情心进入你职业生涯的下一个阶段.”


“你们在医学院有过共同的经历,除了你们自己没有人能完全理解,” said Browne. “Keep each other close and continue to support one another, no matter how near or far you are in the future.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected].

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