

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  无人驾驶飞机系统和无人机(统称), 无人机系统 or UAS – see complete definition below) can make significant contributions to 十大菠菜台子’s (University) research, 不同学科的教学和服务/拓展活动. 另外, aerial photography/videography with a UAS can assist the University with land management, 建设, 体育运动, 执法, 以及其他函数. This Policy is intended to establish 规则 for UAS use by: (i) the University’s faculty, 工作人员, 学生 and volunteers at any location; and (ii) others on University Property (as defined below).

政策:  A UAS is considered to be an aircraft according to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). All aircraft operating in the National Airspace System must follow Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 规则 and 规定. 除了FAA的规定, 无人机系统的使用也由适用的州或地方法律管辖, 及遵守大学条例, 规定, 规则和政策. The University’s Sponsoring Department (as defined below) and the UAS pilot or operator are responsible for complying with all applicable FAA, 联邦, 状态, 当地和大学的法律, 条例, 规定, 规则和政策. 看到 www.美国联邦航空局.gov /无人机 了解最新的FAA关于无人机使用的规则和条例.

的操作:  禁止在任何大学物业上或上面进行任何娱乐用途.


  1. 在大学建筑物或设施内, 除非校准时需要, 建筑, 维护, 存储和/或测试无人机, 培训操作员, 或用于研究目的;
  2. 在黑暗中, 日落之后, 在日出前或低能见度期间, 除非无人机装备齐全, 操作人员已经过培训并批准操作无人机, 在这种条件下;
  3. In a manner that blocks or substantially impedes vehicular, pedestrian, or other traffic;
  4. In a manner that blocks or substantially impedes entrances or exits to University Property;
  5. In a manner that substantially disrupts or interferes with University operations, 事件, 或活动;
  6. 以大学决定的方式或地点, 在其唯一和排他性的自由裁量权, 威胁他人健康或安全的;
  7. 以大学决定的方式或地点, 在其唯一和排他性的自由裁量权, 威胁 damage to University Property or any other real or personal property;
  8. In a manner that monitors or records an area where a person has a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy (as defined below);
  9. Above 400 feet or any height where visual location of the UAS is impaired or not possible;
  10. 当无人机重量超过55磅时., unless the operator has been trained to operate such an aircraft and the FAA permits such use;
  11. 速度超过每小时100英里, unless the operator has been trained to operate at such speeds and the FAA permits such use;
  12. 当被任何移动的车辆控制时;
  13. 当一名飞行员控制多架无人机时;
  14. 在违反的情况下操作, 和/或以任何方式被禁止, 联邦, 状态, 当地和/或大学法律, 监管, 条例, policy or practice; and
  15. 在违反的情况下操作 any verbal or written directive issued by the 十大菠菜台子 Police Department.
  16. 以大学决定的方式或地点, 在其唯一和排他性的自由裁量权, 威胁, 骚扰, 伤害或危及他人的, 植物区系, 或动物在大学财产.

Note: FAA waiver of Part 107 Regulations must be obtained to operate beyond these and other FAA restrictions. 看到 www.美国联邦航空局.gov / uas / request_waiver / 进一步的细节和澄清和豁免审批程序.



  • 大学教师, 工作人员, 学生, and volunteers operating any UAS in any location as part of any University employment and/或活动; and
  • The operation by any person of a UAS on or above any University Property; and
  • The hiring of or contracting for any Third Party to provide UAS 服务 to the University.


自治区: Ability for a UAS to be navigated remotely without any onboard human intervention.

无人驾驶飞机: Unmanned system with the ability to operate autonomously, in an un-tethered free-flight mode.

联邦航空总局: 联邦航空管理局, 哪个是管理国家空域系统的政府机构, 包括, 但不限于, 任何无人机的操作.

国家空域系统: 国家空域系统(NAS)是空域, navigation facilities and airports of the United States along with their associated information, 服务, 规则, 规定, 政策, 程序, 人员和设备.   它包括与军方共同共享的组件. 

接线员: 无人机驾驶员在操作中驾驶或控制无人机的人.

合理的隐私期望: An expectation of privacy generally recognized by society and/or protected by law, 大学条例, 规定, 规则和政策.

远程控制: 远距离操作或控制无人机的能力.

主办部门: 赞助部门是正在运作的大学单位, or that has contracted with or requested the 服务 of a Third Party to operate, 在本保单所涵盖的方式下的无人机.

大学属性: 拥有的任何及所有个人及/或不动产, 由大学租用或以其他方式控制, 包括物业上方的空气/空间.

无人机系统 (UAS):飞机, 直升机, 四轴飞行器, Drones or other flying apparatus which is unmanned and/or operated remotely or autonomously. UAS通常被称为无人机或空中无人机.


  1. 在任何大学物业或其上方使用无人机:
    1. All operators not affiliated with the University (Third Party) planning to use a UAS on or above any University property must have a University Sponsoring Department.
    2. 第三方经营者和赞助部门必须填写 表现出一种: 无人机操作授权/检查表 and submit the completed form to the 十大菠菜台子 Police Department (OUPD).
    3. A copy of any data or imagery acquired by a Third Party on or above University Property must be provided to the Sponsoring Department within one week of the completion of the UAS operation.
    4. Any University department (包括 academic units) wishing to operate a UAS on University property must also complete 表现出一种: 无人机操作授权/检查表 并将填妥的表格交回OUPD.
    5. 不允许使用无人机,除非和直到完成 表现出一种 has been submitted to the OUPD as provided in this Policy and has also been approved by University’s Risk Management office, and the University’s 研究 Office (研究 Office approval is only required when a UAS is being used in connection with a research project, 研究经费[内部或外部], 合同或建议书, 或当出口管制规则可能适用和/或下文指明时).
    6. 表现出一种 is not required if a UAS is being used by University 住房 Facilities Management (FM), OUPD and/or any other 执法 agency in connection with any emergency or campus safety response and/or training. Both FM and OUPD should adhere to the flight operating restrictions noted above to the extent possible given the situation.

  2. 美国以外的无人机系统开发、商业收购和运营.S.:
    1. 除非通过礼物获得, all UAS system and system component acquisitions shall be processed via requisitions through the University’s Purchasing office (P-card purchases are not permissible).
    2. Any extramural support project or proposal contemplating either development or commercial acquisition of a UAS by a 大学教师, 工作人员, 学生 or volunteers must be approved by the University’s 研究 Office prior to acceptance of the associated grant or contract, 如果涉及到:
      1. the need for government licensing of either equipment or pilot(s); and/or
      2. 在美国境外或在任何美国境内操作无人机.S. 校董会管治土地以外的领土.
    3. Any proposed commercial acquisition of a UAS by a Third Party providing UAS 服务 to or on behalf of the University must adhere to all FAA requirements and 大学条例, 规定, 规则和政策.
    4. 研究办公室必须预先批准旅行计划, 或运送无人机, outside the United States to ensure that all export control requirements are met and relevant licenses are obtained prior to travel or shipment.


