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International Education

O'Dowd Hall, Room 328
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2889
[email protected]

Office hours
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Alex Zimmerman, Director
(248) 370-2843
[email protected]

International Education

O'Dowd Hall, Room 328
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2889
[email protected]

Office hours
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Alex Zimmerman, Director
(248) 370-2843
[email protected]


Public Health in Ghana

Oakland University's three-week faculty-led program to Ghana. Students will have a hands-on, community driven experience covering social issues affecting women and children. 学生们将与加纳学习和儿童发展中心合作, a non-profit organization in Accra. 通过访问设施和社区诊所参与社区保健, 与专业人士接触,了解发展中低收入国家的卫生需求. 

Course: PH 4750/5750: Global Health and Social Issues (4 credits) 

Program Dates: June 7 - 30, 2024

Application Deadline: March 1 (Apply by February 1 for best consideration for scholarships)

For more information contact:

Kwame Sakyi, Assistant Professor, Public Health
[email protected]

Apply NowMake a deposit or paymentPhoto Album


Hi everyone, my name is Deborah. 我是公开大学公共卫生硕士项目二年级的研究生.

Hello everyone, my name is Allison Thomas. I'm currently studying nursing.






我们去了几所学校,在一家医院和医生一起工作, professionals, and it was an eye-opening experience. 我真的很喜欢跟随他们的社区卫生工作者进行加纳的社区卫生规划和服务项目,也被称为芯片.

对我来说,最有意义的经历是我们去当地学校,与从幼儿园一直到高中生的学生互动,并能够与他们交谈, to play with them, and to learn from them was an experience that I will cherish for a very long time. But of course, the trip wasn't all related to health services. 我们参观了博物馆,参观了文化遗址,了解了加纳和阿散蒂王国的历史. We were able to be immersed in so many aspects of Ghanaian culture. We spent time with Ghanaian families .we went shopping at markets and we tried so many new delicious foods. 我们参观了卡库姆国家公园(Kakum National Park),在雨林树梢间的悬空树冠上漫步. We even went swimming in the Kintampo waterfall. I'll say that going to Ghana kind of surprised me a little bit. I thought that it would be super hot and, you know, I had this single story of what Ghana would be like, what Ghanaian people would be like, the atmosphere was like - and it was completely different. We stayed in different resorts with a pool, we ate at really great restaurant. 在加纳留学最大的好处之一是它让我有机会沉浸在一个完全不同的环境中. I had the opportunity to discover new places, 结识新朋友,让自己沉浸在与自己完全不同的传统和文化中. 这次旅行对于任何想要更多地了解文化教育和历史如何影响一个人的健康和幸福的学生来说都是一个很好的机会. 我会向任何对卫生服务和健康的社会决定因素感兴趣的人推荐这次旅行, whether that be public health, nursing, pre-med school, physical or occupational therapy, kinesiology and more.

I'll definitely say that students should experience studying abroad. It was my first time going out the Country. I learned a lot about myself, my faith grew as a person. Prayer truly got me through and my faith grew stronger on the trip. I'll say that my relationship with myself grew stronger as well. 我认为每个人都应该考虑出国留学,因为接触新的环境和新的做事方式肯定会让我对世界有新的看法,而且开放和好奇的经历和实践是一个很好的教训,让我学会如何处理不同的事情,或者一开始没有意义的事情,我认为这是一个对任何人都有益的教训, no matter what you're studying.

我们学到了很多,探索了很多,这对任何人都有好处,我认为每个人都应该考虑出国留学. If you can ask me if I would do it all again, yes, 我要再去一次非洲,从头到尾再来一次. I made so many different friends from the trip, met so many different people, learned so many things culturally, academically, personally, and it was just an all around experience. I say go for it.

如果您有兴趣参加本课程或了解更多有关它的信息,请扫描二维码将自己添加到电子邮件列表中以获取更新和提醒,. 我们也把课程页面放在这里,上面有课程的所有细节和付款方式,下面是十大菠菜台子付款网站,你可以在那里找到奖学金信息. 我们小组的每个人都利用了可用的奖学金,这无疑有助于使这次旅行更实惠. Thank you so much for listening and I hope you get to travel soon.

Program Overview

Students fly together as a group to Accra, the capital of Ghana, on the Atlantic coast of West Africa, and known for the Makola Market, vast colorful bazaar. 受欢迎的海滨景点拉巴迪海滩和Kokrobite海滩提供金色的沙滩和高能量的夜生活.

For three weeks, 学生将与护理人员接触,了解中低收入国家家庭的生活经历,并探讨当代社会问题, problems, controversies, and potential solutions in global health, particularly in developing countries.

Visit historical and cultural sites to understand how colonialism, slavery, environmental conditions, and socio-economic factors influence health and development. Additional places to visit include Cape Coast Castle, Kakuum National Park, Makola Market, the Centre for National Culture and Bojo Beach.

Following the program, students return to Michigan from Ghana.


Requirements: A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required. 没有达到GPA要求的学生仍然有资格申请,在申请之前应该与开放大学的十大菠菜台子办公室联系.

Course: PH 4750/5750: Global Health and Social Issues (4 credits)

那些在学年期间上这门课并对实地经验感兴趣的人, will register for the course as an independent study student.

Students participate in a community-based, non-profit related project and visit a health facility or community clinic. 讲座将提供理论视角,以理解和批评与加纳卫生和发展有关的问题和政策.

Courses are taught in English by OU faculty and instructors

The program is open to students in diverse backgrounds, including biology, neuroscience, nursing, wellness and promotion, public health, pre-med, and pre-dental students. Students in sociology, social work, women’s studies, anthropology, psychology, and have an interest in health issues are welcome.

Housing and Food

学生将住在加纳大学国际学生宿舍或阿克拉的其他宿舍, Ghana.

Students may purchase meals independently at the many restaurants, cafes and bistros throughout the region. Favorite cuisine in Ghana are includes fufu (a mashed potato-like dish), banku (a fermented corn dough), kenkey (fermented corn and cassava dough), and waakye (rice and beans).


Tuition: 4 Credits


Program Fee: $4,000

To be paid to OU on our MarketPlace payment system and includes: airfare, housing and most meals, ground transportation and all excursions while in Ghana, and health insurance.

Additional Costs: $895

You will need additional funds for these expenses not covered by program fee. Amounts are estimated.
Meals: $200
Incidental personal expenses: $200
Passport (if you don't have one): $175
Visa: $60
Yellow fever immunization: $200
Malaria pills: $60

Scholarships and Financial Aid: 你可以使用经济援助来支付你参加这个项目的全部费用(学费), program fee and additional costs). Scholarships are also available through your study abroad application.

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