


《十大菠菜台子》(“FOIA”或“法规”)第一条规定, “这是国家的公共政策,所有的人, 除了那些被关在州或地方惩教机构的人, are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and public employees, 与此行为一致. 人民应当了解情况,以便他们能够充分参与民主进程.”1 为此目的,除囚犯外,所有人都可以向公共机构提出《十大菠菜软件》要求. 申请人只需向公共机构的《十大菠菜软件》办公室(或协调员)提交书面请求即可。, 公共机构将开始处理他或她的请求.2

公共机构, 在最初的回应中, 在法规允许的时限内,下列任一机构是否会批准该请求, 部分同意请求, 拒绝请求, 通知请求者需要额外的时间, 在进一步处理之前需要支付费用押金, 或者通知请求者所请求的公共记录没有得到充分的描述.

如果请求被拒绝或部分拒绝, the Public Body will explain why the public records have not been released and inform the requester of his or her challenge and appeal options.

A fee deposit will be required when processing a request will require significant Public Body employee time and resources. 公共机构将通知请求者估计费用,并提供非约束性, 尽最大努力估计完成处理请求所需的时间. 有可能在进一步处理请求后, the Public Body will determine that the cost of processing the request is significantly less or greater than the estimated cost. 如果是这样的话, 公共机构将通知请求者 to allow the requester to determine whether and how he or she wants to proceed with the request.

在公共机构收到规定的保证金后, 它将尽一切努力在规定的估计时间内提供响应的公共记录. 请求者必须理解, 然而, 在任何给定的时间, 公共机构正在处理多个请求,不能将所有时间都用于一个特定的请求.  公共机构将只在最有可能的地点搜索有响应的公共记录.  公共机构 is not required under FOIA to search each and every record it maintains in order to discover material that might pertain to the specific request.

如果请求者认为他或她被错误地拒绝回应公共记录, 他或她可以向公共机构负责人上诉或提起民事诉讼. If a requester believes that the Public Body has required a fee that exceeds the amount permitted under the 程序及指引, 他或她可以提起民事诉讼. Requesters are also always free to contact the FOIA Office with any questions about the processing of their requests.


M.C.L.A. 15.231.

就本程序和指南而言,口头信息请求不属于《十大菠菜软件》要求. If a verbal request for information is received by a Public Body employee who knows that the information is available on the Public Body’s website, 员工, 在可行的, 会通知申请人有关公共机构的网址吗.


1. 如何向公共机构提交《十大菠菜软件》请求
  1. 《十大菠菜软件》请求必须以书面形式提交给《十大菠菜软件》办公室(或协调员)。. 请求可以以硬拷贝、电子邮件或传真的方式传送.
  2. 公共机构《十大菠菜软件》办公室(或协调员)的地址是:《十大菠菜软件》协调员, 十大菠菜台子, 威尔逊大道371号.东威尔逊大厅,st. 3000,罗切斯特,密歇根州48309. 邮箱地址为: (电子邮件保护). 传真号码:(248)370-4474.
  3. A request should describe the record(s) sought sufficiently to enable the Public Body to find the record(s) and should provide the requester’s contact information.
  4. 请求应声明它们是根据密歇根信息自由法案提交的.
  5. 以电子方式收到的请求将被视为下一个工作日收到. 一个工作日被定义为星期一到星期五, 不包括节假日和机构关闭日.
  6. 如果请求被送到《十大菠菜软件》办公室(或协调员)的垃圾邮件文件夹, the request will be deemed received one business day after the FOIA Office (or Coordinator) becomes aware of the request. 《十大菠菜软件》办公室(或协调员)将至少每周检查一次垃圾邮件文件夹.
2. 对向公共机构提出的《十大菠菜软件》要求的回应
  1. 公共机构 will respond to a FOIA request within five (5) business days of the FOIA Office (or Coordinator) receiving the request.
  2. 响应将由以下一个或多个组成:
    1. 请求的批准
    2. 部分答应请求, 部分否认,因为一些或部分记录不存在, 不属于公共机构所有, 和/或免于披露
    3. 完全拒绝请求,因为所有记录都不存在, 不属于公共机构所有, 和/或免于披露
    4. 需要更多时间来处理请求的通知
      1. 如果需要更多的时间, 公共机构将在首次回应后10个工作日内发出跟进回应.
    5. 在进一步处理之前,需要支付费用押金的通知
      1. 如需交纳费用保证金, 公共机构将在其答复中包括一份不具约束力的文件, 关于向请求者提供记录所需时间的最佳努力估计.
    6. A notice that the record(s) sought has (have) not been sufficiently described to enable the Public Body to locate the record(s).
  3. 答复应说明扣留任何信息和/或文件的《十大菠菜软件》豁免条款, 如果适用的话.
  4. 如纪录要求的任何部分因任何理由被拒绝, 答复将规定对该拒绝提出质疑和/或上诉的程序.
3. 存款要求
  1. A fee deposit will be required when the processing of a request will result in fees equal to or greater than $50.00.3
  2. The required deposit will equal up to 50% of the estimated cost of fulfilling the request as calculated at the time of the initial response.
  3. 如果公共机构需要保证金, 在保证金支付之前,它不会进一步处理《十大菠菜软件》的请求.
  4. If, 在收到订金及进一步处理申请后, 公共机构了解到处理成本将与估计成本有很大不同, 公共机构将通知请求者. 实际的努力在哪里寻找, 审查和分离明显超过原始估计的豁免材料, 公共机构将通知请求者. 申请人可以选择收到修改后的费用押金通知, or limit his/her original request to those records which may be processed within the time stated in the original fee estimate.
  5. A person who makes a FOIA request for which a deposit is required may withdraw that FOIA request without charge instead of paying the required deposit. 未能在30天内支付规定的保证金将被视为撤回《十大菠菜软件》的请求.
  6. 公共机构 will treat multiple concurrent FOIA requests on the same topic(s) and/or regarding the same record keeper(s) and from the same person as one FOIA request for purposes of determining whether the fee is below $50.00.
  7. Where a requester who has not paid the final fee for the processing of an earlier request files a new FOIA request, the Public Body may require a deposit of all (100%) of the estimated fees for processing the subsequent request prior to processing the subsequent request.

3 公共机构已经决定, 符合FOIA, 在费用等于或大于50美元的情况下未能收取费用.00会给公共机构带来不合理的高成本.

4. 费用的计算和支付
  1. 费用是通过将以下费用相加来计算的4:
    1. 劳动力成本5 用于搜索、定位和检查响应记录
    2. 劳动力成本5 对豁免信息和非豁免信息进行审查、分离和删除
    3. 非纸质物理介质的成本,如果使用
    4. 每份纸质副本的成本,不超过$.标准的8½x 11英寸纸张每页10美元
    5. 劳动力成本5 与复制或出版直接相关的,可能包括复制到非纸质媒体
    6. 邮寄费用
  2. Final fees for responding to a FOIA request must be paid within 30 days from the date of the Public Body’s correspondence containing the final fee.
  3. 公共机构 reserves the right to require payment in full of all fees incurred in processing a FOIA request before delivering the final, 响应文件.
  4. 公共机构’s decision to deny access to public records sought by a FOIA request because those records are, 全部地或部分地, exempt from disclosure does not excuse the person who files that FOIA request from payment of fees for the work undertaken by the Public Body in response to that request.
  5. 公共机构 may waive or reduce the fees it is authorized to charge if it determines that a waiver or reduction of the fee is in the public interest because responding to the FOIA request can be considered as primarily benefiting the general public.
  6. Fee reductions or waivers are required in certain instances involving proven indigence or non-profit organizations. 公共机构将根据法规适用这些减免或豁免.

4 公共机构用于收费项目的标准表格, 附加解释性信息, 以下是《十大菠菜软件》费用估算分项表和《十大菠菜软件》最终成本分项表的链接.

5 人工成本将以15分钟或更长时间的增量进行估算和收费, 将所有部分时间增量四舍五入. 劳动是按有能力做这项工作的最低工资的公共机构雇员的小时率收费的, 附加福利, 如果适用的话. 如果工作不可能由公共机构雇员完成, 公共机构将承包这项工作,并按规约的规定收费.

5. 质疑及上诉程序
  1. 如果公共机构全部或部分拒绝请求,请求者可以:
    1. 向公共机构负责人提出上诉, 以书面形式, 通过《十大菠菜软件》办公室(或协调员), 使用第1项所列的十大菠菜台子, 以上. The appeal must specifically use the word “appeal” and identify the reason(s) the requester seeks reversal of the denial. The Head of the Public Body must respond to the appeal within ten (10) business days by doing one of the following:
      1. 撤销《十大菠菜软件》官员(或协调员)的决定
      2. 支持《十大菠菜软件》官员(或协调员)的决定
      3. 部分推翻或部分支持《十大菠菜软件》官员(或协调员)的决定
      4. 发出不超过十(10)个额外工作日的延期通知.
    2. Commence a civil action in the Court of Claims within one hundred eighty (180) days after the Public Body’s final determination to deny a request.
  2. If a requester believes that the Public Body has required payment of a fee that exceeds the amount permitted under these 程序及指引, he or she may commence an action in the Court of Claims for a fee reduction within forty-five (45) days after receiving the notice of the required fee.
  3. 如果请求者对《十大菠菜软件》的回应有疑问, 包括预估费用或实际评估费用, 申请人应毫不犹豫地通过以下电子邮件与《十大菠菜软件》办公室(或协调员)联系: (电子邮件保护),或致电:(248)370-3112.

查看《十大菠菜软件》费用估算分项表和《十大菠菜软件》最终成本分项表, 访问信息自由法案的网页 法律事务办公室网页部分.